Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lower cholestersol

HeartBeat™ Drink Mix with Suppressterol™ is a revolutionary breakthrough that helps lower your cholesterol and thereby helps to reduce your risk of heart disease. And it’s as easy as sipping a delicious glass of orange drink! The powerful LDL cholesterol-reducing effects of beta-glucans have been known for years. But until now, people had to eat at least one serving of oatmeal every day, in order to get enough beta glucans to be effective. But HeartBeat Drink from DreamQuest Nutraceuticals changes all that, delivering an amazing 750 mg of oat beta glucans in each deliciously refreshing serving. And it’s perfectly designed to easily add to water bottles!

Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 3 grams per day of oat beta glucans soluble fiber from whole oats may lower blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Each serving of HeartBeat™ Drink Mix provides 0.75 grams of Suppressterol™ oat beta glucans soluble fiber.

High blood levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol are major risk factors for developing coronary heart disease (CHD). In 2007, the World Health Organisation reported a 28% death rate increase in South Africa due to CHD related diseases. With HeartBeat Drink you can reduce your risk of CHD, by reducing your blood levels of total and LDL cholesterol today!

Every box of convenient HeartBeat Drink packets contains the HeartBeat Easy 3-Step Cholesterol Reduction and Total Heart Health Program, which presents simple steps anyone can use to improve heart health and overall wellness. The sooner you do it, the more HeartBeat Drink can help.


Available online at

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